IPv6 expert sees adoption growing . . . slowly
Monday, September 27, 2004 - :37 PM
Topic: 6DEPLOY
Posted by: Jordi

For a decade, network executives have been awaiting the arrival of IPv6, an upgrade to the current version of the Internet Protocol, IPv4.

IPv6 promises a dramatically larger addressing scheme as well as enhanced security and easier administration.

Senior Editor Carolyn Duffy Marsan recently interviewedJim Bound, chair of the North American IPv6 Task Force and CTO of the IPv6 Forum, about the status of IPv6 deployment. A Hewlett-Packard Fellow, Bound is a contributor to the IPv6 specifications and an early implementer of the technology.

Complete interview at NetworkWorldFusion.

This article comes from the 6DEPLOY - IPv6 Deployment and Support - Home

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