Prep for Tomorrow with an IPv6 Testbed
Thursday, October 07, 2004 - :33 PM
Topic: 6DEPLOY
Posted by: Jordi

Yes, friends, I am afraid you do have to start paying attention to IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6). It's on its way, it's inevitable, and us ace network admins must learn to use it.

At this point, at least in the United States, it's a novelty along the the lines of the talking dog. It's not that it talks well, but that it talks at all; in other words, implementation here is very limited. IPv6 is not an extension to IPv4, but a whole new protocol. So the transition to IPv6 means building devices, like network cards, phones, and routers, that support both, and running them side-by-side as the entire freakin' Internet makes the changeover. And it means updating all manner of software. Some say it will take 10-20 years.

Complete article at EnterpriseITPlanet.

This article comes from the 6DEPLOY - IPv6 Deployment and Support - Home

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