The IPv6 Portal also provides all kind of news related to IPv6, IPv6 events and information about vendors and providers of IPv6 services and applications, all around the world. A weekly newsletter and other features are also available for registered users. All the information is also available via RSS feeds.
Links to documents relevant to policy and decision makers, users, engineers, journalists and other profiles are conveniently organized in such way that each user can access the most relevant sections according to their specific needs.
The IPv6 Portal provides other useful sections such as FAQs, a glossary, videos and guidelines to facilitate engineers and end users to acquire IPv6 knowledge and to enable IPv6 in their networks and systems, as well as free trial connectivity through a Tunnel Broker and links to others worldwide. Users of the IPv6 Portal can also take advantage of other resources such as demonstration and testing applications.
‘The IPv6 Portal has been designed as a single stop information source, to allow all kinds of users to access a wealth of information and documents which are key to learning about IPv6, its possibilities and to get ready for its deployment’ claimed Jordi Palet from Consulintel, Co-Chair of the IPv6 Cluster and editor of the site.
‘It’s very important that we take forward the work of the IPv6 Cluster so we can maximize the impact of IST research in significant projects such as 6NET and Euro6IX, as IPv6 is pushed into production deployment. This site should be a valuable resource in this effort,’ said Tim Chown, University of Southampton and IPv6 Cluster Co-Chair.
‘The IPv6 Portal is an excellent way to continue the effort done by HS247 and to thank the support received during this time for all our users’, indicated Tom Lohdan, owner of the HS247 site.
The IPv6 Portal website is available at
This article comes from the 6DEPLOY - IPv6 Deployment and Support - Home
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