We are referring to an annular solar eclipse (over 95% occultation), with an approximate duration of 4 minutes and 11 seconds (longer than in previous occasions), which will start to be visible at 10:55 (Madrid local time). The partial eclipse will start at 9:40 and end at 12:23.
The Live!Eclipse project join efforts with Consulintel and with RedIRIS infrastructure and support to allow the webcasting of multiple video streams via Internet, in low, medium and very high definition (up to 33 Mpbs). The higher quality broadcasting will be done with IPv6 multicast and unicast; nevertheless IPv4 unicast and multicast connections will be also offered.
The complete information about how to access to the live event, will be available via several web sites at the end of the week: IPv6 Task Force, RedIRIS and Live!Eclipse.
Furthermore, after the event, there will be recordings for video on demand service, on the same web sites.
This article comes from the 6DEPLOY - IPv6 Deployment and Support - Home
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