Under the guidance of government, five key carriers including China Telecom, China Unicom, China Netcom/CSTNET, China Mobile, China RailCom and CERNET (China Education and Research Network) will join CNGI project and build their own national IPv6 backbone independently and connect with each other by at least 2 IPv6 IX. By 2005, the scale of CNGI network will reach 39 GigaPOPs and more than 300 CPNs (Customer Premise Network) and realize nationwide coverage. Based on this infrastructure, related institutes and carriers will develop IPv6 key technologies, applications and commercial test. Before 2005, total fund from government will be 1.4 Billion RMB.
Undoubtedly CNGI has become the one of the new engine of China telecommunication industry. It’s an excellent opportunity for China to catch up western developed countries with new internet protocol -- IPv6. With the deployment of CNGI project, Chinese carriers and global IPv6 equipment vendors are facing new round of fast growth and aggressive deployment of IPv6 network. It is expected that China will have one of the biggest IPv6 network in the world by the end of 2005 and China will be the one of the leading IPv6 country.
To keep consistent with implementation of CNGI and promote IPv6 in China, China IPv6 Summit 2004 will be held from April 12 to 14, 2004 in Beijing.
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