NGN-Lab supports DHCPv6 interop tests
Monday, July 07, 2003 - :04 PM
Topic: 6DEPLOY
Posted by: fordm5
Back-to-back with the 57th IETF in Vienna/Austria, NEC Europe Ltd. organizes with additional support of the NGN-Lab Project a DHCPv6 interoperability event. There you have the chance to test different DHCPv6 implementations. The main goal is to prove interoperability of several DHCPv6 client, relay, and server implementations. Implementations should be based on the latest Internet draft (draft-dhc-dhcpv6-28.txt) and the latest results from draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-interop-01.txt. More DHCPv6 info is available here.
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