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IPv6 Deployment and Support
6DEPLOY and 6DEPLOY2 are part-funded EC (IST-2007-223794 & IST-2010-261584) projects. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project's information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.

Welcome to 6DEPLOY-2!

6DEPLOY-2 is a Specific Support Action in the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union.

The purpose of the 6DEPLOY-2 project is to support the deployment of IPv6 in:

  • e-Infrastructure environments
  • FP7 projects
  • Developing countries (Africa, Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe)
  • Industrial environments in Europe

Partners offer basic training to organisations in Europe and developing countries, and support real IPv6 deployments.

Case studies of installations will be used to gain valuable practical experience which will help the 6DEPLOY-2 team to become the centre of European expertise regarding IPv6 deployment.

IPv6 training labs are being installed worldwide. These are built to a common specification, which allows the 6DEPLOY-2 training course material to be used on them all. It has been shown that these have developed naturally into centres of IPv6 expertise in the countries where they are situated.

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6deploy IPv6 Cluster Member The IPv6 Portal Seventh Framework Programme e-infrastructure