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IPv6 Deployment and Support
6DEPLOY and 6DEPLOY2 are part-funded EC (IST-2007-223794 & IST-2010-261584) projects. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project's information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.

6DEPLOY-2 Tutorials

The 6DEPLOY-2 project makes its IPv6 tutorial material available in PDF format. This may be freely used for non-commercial purposes, provided the 6DEPLOY-2 project is credited.

  • IPv6 Introduction: This module explains why a new version for IP, IPv6, has been developed. A brief history of IPv6, its motivation and benefits are given.
  • IPv6 Protocol: This module describes IPv6 protocol: IPv6 packet header, extensions headers and differences with IPv4 headers. Packet size issues and upper layer considerations are also treated.
  • IPv6 Addressing: This module explains the IPv6 addressing architecture, the different types of addresses (unique local IPv6 addresses, interface IDs, multicast addresses), their textual representation, how these are built and related to a layer 2 address.
  • Addressing case studies : This module describes 2 addressing case studies: RENATER backbone addressing plan and HUNGARNET backbone and site addressing plans.
  • IPv6 associated protocols: This module describes new protocols associated to IPv6: e.g. Neighbour Discovery Protocol, SEND, ICMPv6, MLD, etc.
  • IPv6 Network management: This module explains how to manage an IPv6 network. The different ways to retrieve management information are described (MIBs, IPv6 flows) and some IPv6 management tools and platforms are presented.
  • IPv6 Multicast: After giving some multicast concepts the following topics are covered: multicast addresses, Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) protocol, multicast routing, PIM-ASM and PIM-SSM. Some practical issues are included as well.
  • IPv6 DNS: This module describes new Resource Records for IPv6 DNS, availability of IPv6 in the root servers zone and CC-TLDs, etc.
  • IPv6 Autoconfiguration: This module describes stateful (DHCPv6) and stateless (Router Solicitation/Router Advertisement) autoconfiguration mechanisms.
  • IPv6 routing (1 MB): This module mainly describes the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 routing protocols for OSPFv3, EIGRP, RIPng, BGP4+, ISIS and MPLS.
  • RPSLng: This module describes the Routing Policy Specification Language for IPv6. Some examples are provided for a better understanding.
  • IPv6 security : Several issues are covered like the IPsec model, privacy extensions, ND threats, IPv4 vs. IPv6 Threat Analysis, IPv6 security issues, practical IPv6 security issues and firewalling IPv6. Security issues from transition and coexistence point of view are also provided.
  • IPv6 mobility (6.36 MB): This module describes IPv6 mobility and news features compared to IPv4 mobility.
  • IPv6 coexistence with IPv4: This module explains different approaches to deploy IPv6 in an IPv4 environment. Transition concepts are introduced and several transition mechanisms are covered: Dual Stack, tunnels, tunnel broker, 6to4, Teredo, Softwires and translation (at various layers).
  • IPv6 deployment scenarios: This module details different scenarios to deploy IPv6 in an ISP or in a campus network (case studies).
  • Equipment configuration: This module lists some examples of IPv6 configurations for hosts (Windows, Linux, etc) and routers (Cisco, Juniper,etc.).
  • Guide for Services & Applications: This module will describe services and applications available for IPv6.
  • How-to Guide for Developers: This module explains how to implement IPv6 applications and how to update an IPv4 application in order to support IPv6 (porting issues, etc.)
  • IPv6 QoS: This module describes how to implement IPv6 QoS with Classes of Services (configuration examples, performance tests) and discusses IPv6 Flow Label usage.
  • IPv6 and 3G cellular networks: This module provides a short overview of the different kind of cellular networks (GSM, GPRS, 3G) and the IPv6 services that can be deployed within them. Specific issues such as IPv6 address allocation using GPRS, transitioning scenarios related to Mobile Stations (MS), transitioning scenarios related to IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and IPv6 MS implementation issues are presented in detail.
  • IPv6 and xDSL: This module describes how IPv6 can be deployed among the different entities that are present in xDSL environments. Implementation details are provided for Ethernet Bridging over ATM, PPP over AAL5 (PPPoA), PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE), IPv6 and Radius and IPv6 configuration in the End User.
  • IPv6 and xDSL - GSN Case study (1.1 MB): This module provides a short overview of the Greek Schools' Network (GSN - and details about the deployment phases of IPv6 services in the GSN. IPv6 deployment strategies in core network, access network, infrastructure servers and school PC labs, address allocation in school GWs and IPv6 GSN experiences are presented in detail.
  • IPv6 and Sensor Networks (5.75 MB): This module explains the 6LoWPAN protocol and shows some examples of sensor networks.

All 6DEPLOY 1 tutorials could be found under the 6DEPLOY 1 (IST-2007-223794) Tutorials web page.

6deploy IPv6 Cluster Member The IPv6 Portal Seventh Framework Programme e-infrastructure