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IPv6 Deployment and Support
6DEPLOY and 6DEPLOY2 are part-funded EC (IST-2007-223794 & IST-2010-261584) projects. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project's information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.

Complete IPv6 Training at LACNIC XI meeting. Includes an IPv6 event

Date: 26 May 2008 - Location: Fiesta Bahia Hotel, Salvador - Bahia, Brazil

This full day workshop was held in Spanish language in Salvador de Bahia (Brazil) during 26th May, within the LACNIC XI meeting, 26th to 30th May 2008.

Individuals present at the workshop included Jordi Palet (Consulintel), on behalf of 6DEPLOY, and Francisco Obispo (CENIT - Centro Nacional de Innovación Tecnológica - National Technological Innovation Centre in Venezuela), on behalf of LACNIC, were in charge of presenting both the IPv6 modules and the hands-on modules.

A report of the workshop can be found at: D1.2 Report from the 1st workshop (460 KB).

Monday, 26th May (9:00 - 18:00)

The hands-on material could be found here (Spanish)(1.96 MB).

Additional Activities

Besides the IPv6 Workshop, 6DEPLOY also actively participate, through Consulintel and LACNIC, in the preparation and run of others activities related to IPv6 during LACNIC XI.

  • Sixth Latin American IPv6 Forum - FLIP-6 meeting: The aim of the Latin American IPv6 Forum is to promote the adoption of the IPv6 Protocol within the region of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as to share experiences regarding the implementation within our region of services and applications based on IPv6. For more information
  • Latin America and the Caribbean IPv6 Task Force meeting: The main objective of the IPv6 Task Force for Latin America and the Caribbean is to promote de adoption of IPv6 within the region. For more information on the LAC IPv6 TF visit
  • IPv6 Experiment: During the entire week of the LACNIC XI event there was native IPv6 connectivity. For more information: IPv6 Experiment

6deploy IPv6 Cluster Member The IPv6 Portal Seventh Framework Programme e-infrastructure