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IPv6 Deployment and Support
6DEPLOY and 6DEPLOY2 are part-funded EC (IST-2007-223794 & IST-2010-261584) projects. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project's information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.

IPv6 Workshop APNIC26 - New Zealand

Date: 25 August 2008 - Location: Christchurch Convention Centre, Christchurch, New Zealand

This workshop titled "Operational IPv6 - Planning and implementing an IPv6 deployment" took place within the 26th APNIC Meeting held in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Individuals present at the workshop included Jordi Palet (Consulintel) representing 6DEPLOY. Jordi was in charge of presenting both the IPv6 modules and the hands-on modules.

Monday, 25th August

Other IPv6 Activities

26th APNIC Meeting there were other IPv6-related activties.

  • IPv6 at your fingertips (Tuesday, 26 August 2008, 18:00-19:00): This was an informal session with friendly APNIC staff to discuss what can be expected in the IPv6 connection experiment on Wednesday 27 August 2008 and to explore how your laptop can be configured to use IPv6. The session gave practical hands-on experience in configuring and running IPv6, as well as in-depth background information about the IPv6 network at APNIC 26. Here you can find some slides.
  • IPv6: Does it work for you? (Wednesday 27 August 2008, 9:00-12:30): Several talks about IPv6 issues.

6deploy IPv6 Cluster Member The IPv6 Portal Seventh Framework Programme e-infrastructure