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IPv6 Deployment and Support
6DEPLOY and 6DEPLOY2 are part-funded EC (IST-2007-223794 & IST-2010-261584) projects. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project's information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.

IPv6 Tour 2009 Panama

Date: 24 May 2009 - Location: Hotel El Panama, Ciudad de Panama, Panama

This one and half day workshop was held in Spanish language in Ciudad de Panama (Panama) during 24th and 25th May, within the LACNIC XII meeting, 24th to 29th May 2009.

Jordi Palet (Consulintel), Roque Gagliano (LACNIC) and Michael De Leo (Cisco Systems), on behalf of 6DEPLOY, were in charge of presenting the workshop.

Sunday, 24th May (14:15 - 18:00)

  • Tutorial: IPv6 - Introduction and Configuration - Jordi Palet (Consulintel)
  • This session, which is aimed at a broad spectrum of participants (ISPs, organizations, end users) will present a basic introduction to IPv6, the motivations that are driving its development, its differences with IPv4 protocol, some possibilities for future development, and even business opportunities. The session will also allow practicing some basic configurations.

    During the second part of the session, concepts on the transition and coexistence of IPv4 and IPv6 will be presented, as well as different transition mechanisms, some of which are automatic, that explain the growth of IPv6 traffic that is being observed at global level despite its low level of deployment on the part of ISPs. Recommendations will be made regarding IPv6 deployment at ISPs and corporate networks.

Monday, 25th May (9:00 - 12:45)

  • Tutorial: IPv6 - Planning its deployment - Roque Gagliano (LACNIC)

    Planning is the first step when thinking on an IPv6 deployment. This session will address different aspects of the IPv6 planning strategy for both service providers and enterprise networks. The tutorial covers the general aspects of the planning activity, the addressing plan, the routing plan, the service deployment plan and the education plan. The tutorial finishes with a discussion about the transition and the alternatives currently under development for provide Internet access after the IPv4 runout.

Monday, 25th May (14:15 - 18:00)

  • Tutorial: IPv6 in the last mile - Michael De Leo (Cisco Systems)

    This session focuses on SP IPv6 deployment techniques which will help network designers/ administrators understand IPv6 operation and implementation options in native IPv4 and MPLS (6PE/6VPE) environments. This session will also cover IPv6 in access networks and advanced services.

    Attendee must have a solid foundation of IPv6 basics (addressing, routing), MPLS, multicast, IPv4 access networks and provisioning.

Additional Activities

Besides the IPv6 Workshop, 6DEPLOY also actively participate, through Consulintel and LACNIC, in the preparation and run of others activities related to IPv6 during LACNIC XII.

  • Seventh Latin American IPv6 Forum - FLIP-6 meeting: The aim of the Latin American IPv6 Forum is to promote the adoption of the IPv6 Protocol within the region of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as to share experiences regarding the implementation within our region of services and applications based on IPv6. This exchange of experiences, that includes from commercial to academic applications, including future development projects of IPv6 implementation, is realised as much through the discussion list as in the Forum annual meeting, which is developed within the framework of LACNIC events. For more information and the agenda of the meeting see
  • Latin America and the Caribbean IPv6 Task Force meeting: The main objective of the IPv6 Task Force for Latin America and the Caribbean is to promote de adoption of IPv6 within the region. For more information on the LAC IPv6 TF visit
  • IPv6 Experiment: During the entire week of the LACNIC XII event there was native IPv6 connectivity. For more information: To Be Confirmed IPv6 Experiment

6deploy IPv6 Cluster Member The IPv6 Portal Seventh Framework Programme e-infrastructure