6DEPLOY and 6DEPLOY2 are part-funded EC (IST-2007-223794 & IST-2010-261584) projects. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project's information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.
6DEPLOY Hands-on Material
The 6DEPLOY project makes its IPv6 hands-on material available in PDF format. This may be freely used for non-commercial purposes, provided the 6DEPLOY project is credited.
The list of available hands-on modules is described below:
- Host configuration: Two exercises illustrate how IPv6 works on
Linux and Windows XP operating systems. Some aspects of the IPv6 protocol are analysed in depth: Neighbor Discovery, Autoconfiguration, etc.
Stateful autoconfiguration: In this exercise, the trainees are requested to install a DHCPv6 client (Dibbler) and make a basic configuration.
- Routing: In this exercise, IPv6 routing protocols are configured by the trainees on the testbed routers. Internal Gateway Protocols (RIPng, OSPF and ISIS) and the External Gateway Protocol (BGP) are tested. Documents are provided for
Paris and Sofia testbeds. Also, some commands help for Cisco routers could be found here.
DNS: In this exercise, the trainees have to manipulate IPv6 resource records (AAAA, PTR) in a DNS server. It is performed on Linux OS.
Services/Applications: In this exercise, the trainees install IPv6 services such as web servers (with virtual hosts) and FTP servers. This exercise is performed on Linux OS. The other trainees check that the configured services are available from their machine using IPv6 web/ftp clients (on Linux or Windows).
Management: After having tested the services, the trainees are requested to install a management application (Argus) to supervise the routers, PCs and configured IPv6 services (web, ftp, etc.).
Security: In this exercise, the trainees are required to add filters on the routers (ACL) and on the PCs (ip6tables) to allow/deny some PCs/services.
A further set of hands-on exercises is also available from Consulintel, including the following issues: IPv6 setup in several Platforms (Windows 2K/XP/2003/Vista, Linux, BSD), Basic Configuration, Stateless/Stateful Autoconfiguration, Privacy, Static Routes, Transition Mechanisms Configuration, Examples of Applications, IPv6 DNS, IPv6 and PPP, Firewall IPv6, Enabling IPv6 on Cisco Routers and IPv6 ACLs, and SNMP over IPv6.