6DEPLOY and 6DEPLOY2 are part-funded EC (IST-2007-223794 & IST-2010-261584) projects. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project's information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.
6DEPLOY-2 Publications
D1.1.1 |
Report of the available training material and the assignment of partners responsible for maintaining each item |
D1.2 |
Report from the 1st Workshop in Geneva, Switzerland |
D1.3 |
Report from the 2nd Workshop at Madrid GORE-6 |
D1.4 |
Report from the 3rd Workshop in Trieste, Italy |
D1.5 |
Report from the 4th Workshop in Prague, Czech Republic |
D1.6 |
Report from the 5th Workshop Accra, Ghana |
D1.7 |
Report from the 6th Workshop in Lome, Togo |
D1.8 |
Report from the 7th Workshop in Lusaka, Zambia |
D1.9 |
Report from the 8th Workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
D1.10 |
Report from the 9th Workshop in Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
D1.11 |
Report from the 10th Workshop in Suriname |
D1.12 |
Report from the 11th Workshop in Almaty, Kazakhstan |
D1.13 |
Report from the 12th Workshops in Santiago, Lima, and Quito |
D1.14 |
Report from the 13th Workshop in San José, Costa Rica |
D1.15 |
Report from the 14th Workshop in Guayaquil (WALC2011) |
D1.16 |
Report from the 15th Workshop in Luanda, Angola |
D1.17 |
Report from the 16th Workshop in Santo Domingo |
D2.1.1 |
Initial Status of the Lab Reservation Service |
D2.1.2 |
Update on the Status of the Lab Reservation Service |
D2.2.1 |
Initial status of the available exercises to be used with the Lab equipment |
D2.2.2 |
Update of the available exercises to be used with the Lab equipment |
D3.1 |
Case Study: IPv6 Deployment at MITYC |
D4.1 |
Project Presentation |
6DEPLOY 1 Use Case Deliverables
D2.1.1 |
Report of 1st deployment use case: Greek School Network (9-12-2008) |
D2.1.1 Report of 1st deployment use case
Greek Research & Technology Network
This deliverable presents IPv6-related activities in the Greek Cchool Network. It discusses the drivers for the deployment of IPv6 services and the operational experiences from the deployment of services based on ipv6 technology during the last 5 years
6DEPLOY Consortium
D2.1.2 |
Report of 2nd deployment use case: School of Electronic and Computer Science at the University of Southampton (3-9-2009) |
D2.1.2 Report of 2nd deployment use case
ECS University Southampton
This report describes the IPv6 deployment within the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton. It includes a description of the process of
IPv6 deployment, including network, systems and applications aspects. The deployment is currently live and spans a network of up to 3,700 hosts and over 2,000 users.
6DEPLOY Consortium
D2.1.3 |
Report of 3rd deployment use case: University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria (6-1-2010) |
D2.1.3 Report of 3rd deployment use case
University of Plovdiv / BREN
This deliverable reports on the process of IPv6 deployment of the campus network at the University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. It describes the network planning and technical configurations, as well as the experiences gained during the deployment.
6DEPLOY Consortium
D2.1.4 |
Report of 4th deployment use case: ISP (21-10-2010) |
D2.1.4 Report of 4th deployment use case
Vives, Alvaro
This deliverable is a case study
6DEPLOY Consortium
All 6DEPLOY 1 publications could be found under the 6DEPLOY 1 (IST-2007-223794) Publications web page.