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IPv6 Deployment and Support
6DEPLOY and 6DEPLOY2 are part-funded EC (IST-2007-223794 & IST-2010-261584) projects. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project's information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.

6DEPLOY-2 Calendar

Start End Event Country Venue
28-05-2013 29-05-2013 IPv6 World Congress - Singapore Singapore Singapore
17-04-2013 19-04-2013 2013 North American IPv6 Summit USA Denver
10-04-2013 12-04-2013 2013 Global IPv6 Summit in China China Beijing
19-03-2013 22-03-2013 v6 World Congress France Paris
10-03-2013 15-03-2013 IETF 86 Meeting USA Orlando
18-12-2012 20-12-2012 MENOG IPv6 Roadshow - Beirut Lebanon Beirut
29-11-2012 30-11-2012 5th German IPv6 Summit & IPv6 Application Contest 2012 Germany Potsdam
19-11-2012 20-11-2012 2012 Texas IPv6 Task Force Summit USA Dallas
12-11-2012 14-11-2012 gogoNET LIVE! 3 USA San Jose- CA
04-11-2012 09-11-2012 IETF 85 Meeting USA Atlanta
29-10-2012 02-11-2012 LACNIC XVIII Meeting Uruguay Montevideo
21-10-2012 24-10-2012 NANOG 56 Meeting USA Dallas, TX
18-10-2012 19-10-2012 7th Slo regional IPv6 summit and ISOC ION meeting Slovenia Ljubljana
17-10-2012 19-10-2012 Australian IPv6 Summit 2012 Australia Melbourne
14-10-2012 19-10-2012 ICANN 45 Meeting Canada Toronto
29-07-2012 03-08-2012 IETF 84 Meeting Canada Vancouver
26-06-2012 27-06-2012 IPv6 World Congress Brussels Belgium Brussels
24-06-2012 29-06-2012 ICANN 44 Meeting Czech Republic Prague
03-06-2012 06-06-2012 NANOG 55 Meeting USA Vancouver, Canada
06-05-2012 11-05-2012 LACNIC XVII Meeting Ecuador Quito
16-04-2012 20-04-2012 RIPE 64 Meeting Slovenia Ljubljana
09-04-2012 11-04-2012 2012 North American IPv6 Summit USA Denver, Colorado
25-03-2012 30-03-2012 IETF 83 Meeting France Paris
11-03-2012 16-03-2012 ICANN 43 Meeting Costa Rica San Jose
27-02-2012 02-03-2012 APNIC 33 Meeting India New Delhi
07-02-2012 10-02-2012 IPv6 World Congress Paris France Paris
05-02-2012 08-02-2012 NANOG 54 Meeting USA San Diego, CA
13-11-2011 18-11-2011 IETF 82 Meeting Taiwan Taipei
31-10-2011 04-11-2011 RIPE 63 Meeting Austria Vienna
23-10-2011 28-10-2011 ICANN 42 Meeting Senegal Dakar
17-10-2011 19-10-2011 Australian IPv6 Summit 2011 Summit Australia Melbourne
12-10-2011 14-10-2011 ARIN XXVIII Meeting United States Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
09-10-2011 12-10-2011 NANOG 53 Meeting USA Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
04-10-2011 07-10-2011 LACNIC XVI Meeting Argentina Buenos Aires
29-08-2011 02-09-2011 APNIC 32 Meeting South Korea Busan
24-07-2011 29-07-2011 IETF 81 Meeting Canada Quebec City
14-07-2011 14-07-2011 IPv6 2011: The Time Is Now! USA New York City, NY
19-06-2011 24-06-2011 ICANN 41 Meeting Singapore Singapore
14-06-2011 15-06-2011 IPv6 World Congress London United Kingdom London
12-06-2011 15-06-2011 NANOG 52 Meeting USA Denver, Colorado
15-05-2011 20-05-2011 LACNIC XV Meeting Mexico Cancun
02-05-2011 06-05-2011 RIPE 62 Meeting Netherlands Amsterdan
29-04-2011 29-04-2011 IPv6 Summit Ottawa Canada Canada Ottawa
25-04-2011 27-04-2011 Rocky Mountain 2011 IPv6 Summit USA Denver, Colorado
10-04-2011 13-04-2011 ARIN XXVII Meeting Puerto rico San Juan
07-04-2011 08-04-2011 Global IPv6 Summit 2011 Beijing, China China Beijing
27-03-2011 01-04-2011 IETF 80 Meeting Czech Republic Prague
13-03-2011 18-03-2011 ICANN 40 Meeting USA San Francisco, CA
21-02-2011 25-02-2011 APNIC 31 Meeting China Hong Kong
08-02-2011 11-02-2011 V6 World Congress 2011 France Paris
30-01-2011 02-02-2011 NANOG 51 Meeting USA Miami, FL
12-01-2011 13-01-2011 Turkish National IPv6 Conference 2011 Turkey Ankara
14-12-2010 14-12-2010 IPv6 ... the way forward Belgium Ghent
05-12-2010 10-12-2010 ICANN 39 Meeting Colombia Cartagena
20-11-2010 26-11-2010 AfriNIC 13 Meeting South Africa Johannesburg
15-11-2010 19-11-2010 RIPE 61 Meeting Italy Rome
07-11-2010 12-11-2010 IETF 79 Meeting China Beijing
03-11-2010 04-11-2010 GogoNET LIVE! 2010 USA Silicon Valley
19-10-2010 22-10-2010 LACNIC XIV Meeting Brazil Sao Paulo
18-10-2010 20-10-2010 Australian IPv6 Summit 2010 Australia Melbourne
11-10-2010 12-10-2010 Texas IPv6 Task Force Summit 2010 USA Texas
05-10-2010 08-10-2010 ARIN XXVI Meeting United States Atlanta, GA
03-10-2010 06-10-2010 NANOG 50 Meeting United States Atlanta, GA
14-09-2010 17-09-2010 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 5th Meeting Lithuania Vilnius
23-08-2010 27-08-2010 APNIC 30 Meeting Thailand Bangkok
25-07-2010 30-07-2010 IETF 78 Meeting Netherlands Maastricht
24-06-2010 25-06-2010 3rd German IPv6 Summit & IPv6 Application Contest 2010 Germany Potsdam
20-06-2010 25-06-2010 ICANN 38 Meeting Belgium Brussels
13-06-2010 16-06-2010 NANOG 49 Meeting United States San Francisco, CA
08-06-2010 09-06-2010 Indonesia IPv6 Summit 2010 Indonesia Bali
26-05-2010 27-05-2010 2010 Rocky Mountain IPv6 Summit 2010 USA Denver, CO
23-05-2010 04-06-2010 AfriNIC 12 Meeting Rwanda Kigali
19-05-2010 19-05-2010 Irish IPv6 Summit 2010 Ireland Dublin
17-05-2010 21-05-2010 LACNIC XIII Meeting Netherlands Antilles Curacao
03-05-2010 07-05-2010 RIPE 60 Meeting Czech Republic Prague
22-04-2010 22-04-2010 Global IPv6 Deployment Day Workshop Seattle United States Seattle
18-04-2010 21-04-2010 ARIN XXV Meeting Canada Toronto, Ontario
21-03-2010 26-03-2010 IETF 77 Meeting USA Anaheim, CA
07-03-2010 12-03-2010 ICANN 37 Meeting Kenya Nairobi
01-03-2010 05-03-2010 APNIC 29 Meeting Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
21-02-2010 24-02-2010 NANOG 48 Meeting USA Austin
04-12-2009 05-12-2009 ISOC Board of Trustees Meeting 74 Netherlands Amsterdam
21-11-2009 27-11-2009 AfriNIC 11 Meeting Senegal Dakar
17-11-2009 17-11-2009 ITU and NRO joint Workshop - Adopting IPv6: What you need to know Egypt Sharm el Sheikh
15-11-2009 18-11-2009 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 4th Meeting Egypt Sharm El Sheikh
08-11-2009 13-11-2009 IETF 76 Meeting Japan Hiroshima
25-10-2009 30-10-2009 ICANN 36 Meeting Korea Seoul
21-10-2009 23-10-2009 ARIN XXIV Meeting USA Dearborn, Michigan
18-10-2009 20-10-2009 NANOG 47 Meeting USA Dearborn
05-10-2009 09-10-2009 RIPE 59 Meeting Portugal Lisbon
05-10-2009 09-10-2009 ITU Telecom World Switzerland Geneva
24-08-2009 28-08-2009 APNIC 28 Meeting China Beijing
26-07-2009 31-07-2009 IETF 75 Meeting Sweden Stockholm
24-07-2009 25-07-2009 ISOC Board of Trustees Meeting 72 Sweden Stockholm
09-07-2009 10-07-2009 Global IPv6 Summit Korea 2009 Korea Seoul
22-06-2009 27-06-2009 ICANN 35 Meeting Australia Sydney
14-06-2009 16-06-2009 NANOG 46 Meeting USA Philadelphia
25-05-2009 29-05-2009 LACNIC XII Meeting Panama Panama City
10-05-2009 22-05-2009 AfriNIC 10 Meeting Egypt Cairo
04-05-2009 08-05-2009 RIPE 58 Meeting Netherlands Amsterdan
26-04-2009 29-04-2009 ARIN XXIII Meeting USA San Antonio, Texas
28-03-2009 29-03-2009 ISOC Board of Trustees Meeting 70 USA San Francisco
22-03-2009 27-03-2009 IETF 74 Meeting USA San Francisco
01-03-2009 06-03-2009 ICANN Meeting 34 Mexico Mexico City
23-02-2009 27-02-2009 APNIC 27 Meeting Philippines Manila
08-02-2009 08-02-2009 Workshop on the IPv6 Development in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Riyadh
28-01-2009 28-01-2009 Irish IPv6 Summit Ireland Dublin
25-01-2009 28-01-2009 NANOG 45 Meeting Dominican Republic Santo Domingo
03-12-2008 06-12-2008 Internet Governance Forum India Hyderabad
22-11-2008 23-11-2008 ISOC Board of Trustees Meeting 69 USA Minneapolis
22-11-2008 25-11-2008 Advanced IPv6 Training at AfriNIC-9 Mauritius Pointe Aux Piments
16-11-2008 21-11-2008 IETF 73 Meeting USA Minneapolis
02-11-2008 07-11-2008 ICANN Meeting 33 Egypt Cairo
26-10-2008 30-10-2008 RIPE 57 Meeting United Arab Emirates Dubai
20-10-2008 21-10-2008 AfriNIC Member Training Mauritania Mauritania Nouakchott
15-10-2008 17-10-2008 ARIN XXII Meeting United States Los Angeles
13-10-2008 15-10-2008 3rd International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security Italy Frascati (Rome)
12-10-2008 14-10-2008 NANOG 44 Meeting USA LA
22-09-2008 22-09-2008 OneWebDay USA NY
04-09-2008 05-09-2008 ITU Workshop on IPv6 Switzerland Geneva
01-09-2008 05-09-2008 PACINET 2008 Meeting Cook Islands Raratonga
25-08-2008 29-08-2008 APNIC 26 Meeting New Zealand Christchurch
06-08-2008 14-08-2008 SANOG 12 Meeting Nepal Kathmandu
27-07-2008 01-08-2008 IETF 72 Meeting Ireland Dublin
28-06-2008 29-06-2008 ISOC Board of Trustees Meeting 67 France Paris
28-06-2008 28-06-2008 ISOC Board of Trustees Meeting 66 France Paris
23-06-2008 23-06-2008 GigaNet Academic Workshop on Global Internet Governance France Paris
22-06-2008 27-06-2008 ICANN Meeting France Paris
01-06-2008 04-06-2008 NANOG 43 meeting USA NY
28-05-2008 02-06-2008 eLearning Africa 2008 Ghana Accra
05-05-2008 09-05-2008 RIPE 56 Meeting Germany Berlin
6deploy IPv6 Cluster Member The IPv6 Portal Seventh Framework Programme e-infrastructure