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IPv6 Deployment and Support
6DEPLOY and 6DEPLOY2 are part-funded EC (IST-2007-223794 & IST-2010-261584) projects. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project's information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.

IPv6 Workshop in Tbilisi

Dates: 15-17 December 2009 - Location: Tbilisi, Georgia

This IPv6 Routing Workshop took place in Tbilisi, Georgia, on December 15th to 17th 2009. Both the IPv6 lab opening and the workshop took place at GRENA offices in Tbilisi, Georgia. The opening was attended by government and local officials, whilst the workshop was attended by technical staff from Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.

The workshop was organised by UCL, NIIF and Cisco Systems with local support from GRENA the Georgian NREN and the local Cisco Academy at GRENA. Press coverage was received on Georgian Television, and in the Cisco newsroom. The workshop was deliberately combined with two other events. First there was the official opening of another IPv6 laboratory donated by Cisco. This was the first IPv6 activity in the Caucasus. Secondly, the opportunity was taken to review the progress of another donation by the Chairman-emeritus of Cisco, who had donated $1,000,000 of Cisco equipment towards the formation of a Georgian government network following their peaceful revolution the year before. As a result the workshop was given a political significance and there was high-level attendance at a formal opening session.

Individuals present at the workshop included Prof. Peter Kirstein (UCL), Piers O'Hanlon (UCL), Socrates Varakliotis (UCL), János Mohácsi (NIIF/Hungarnet),and Bertus Habraken (Cisco) representing 6DEPLOY.

Tuesday December 15th (9:30 - 18:15)

    Formal Lab Opening

  • 9:30 Welcome - Georgian Government representative (Dr. Nodar Surguladze - Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
  • 9:40 IPv6, the 6DEPLOY IPv6 laboratories, how this laboratory fits in (Prof. Peter Kirstein, UCL)
  • 10:00 Cisco Systems and the Caucasus (Mr. Kaan Terzioglu, Vice President Emerging Markets, Cisco Systems)
  • The Government Network

  • 10:30 The Cisco donation (Mr. John P. Morgridge, Chairman Emeritus, Cisco Systems)
  • 10:40 The Government response (Government representative)
  • 10:55 The description of the network (Magticom representative)
  • 11:10 The impact of the network (User)
  • IPv6 Workshop

  • 11:30 Why IPv6 is important
  • 11:45 Introduction to IPv6
  • 12:45 Lunch
  • 14:00 IPv6 Basics: Protocol and Addressing
  • 15:00 Associated Protocols
  • 15:45 Auto-configuration
  • 16:30 Coffe Break
  • 16:45 Lab Session 1: Host and Auto-configuration
  • 18:15 End of Day

Wednesday December 16th (10:00 - 18:50)

    IPv6 Workshop (cont.)

  • 10:00 IPv6 Support in the DNS
  • 11:00 Transition mechanisms
  • 12:00 Coffe Break
  • 12:20 Sensor networking
  • 13:20 Lab Session 2: DNS
  • 14:20 Lunch
  • 15:30 Mobile IPv6
  • 16:30 Applications: Grid, VOIP, and Conferencing Case Studies
  • 17:30 Coffe Break
  • 17:50 Lab Session 3: Applications
  • 18:50 End of Day

Thursday December 17th (10:00 - 16:00)

    IPv6 Workshop (cont.)

  • 10:00 Routing Protocols for IPv6
  • 11:45 Coffe Break
  • 12:00 Lab Session 4: Routing Configuration (LAB)
  • 13:30 Lunch
  • 15:00 Security
  • 16:00 Feedback Form
  • 16:00 Workshop End

6deploy IPv6 Cluster Member The IPv6 Portal Seventh Framework Programme e-infrastructure