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6DEPLOY news

Behind Softbank IPv6 Announcement
Posted by: Jordi on Monday, March 21, 2005 - 12:46 PM
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Softbank BB announced on February 10 the IPv6 roadmap for its broadband Internet service Yahoo! BB. The company announced that it will officially start IPv6 services for its subscribers at the end of 2005. Yahoo! BB is the most popular broadband Internet service for consumers in Japan with 4.75 million ADSL service subscribers. Influence of the announcement, therefore, is potentially very large.

This announcement has to do with the fact that Softbank BB was to return the IPv4 address space it had acquired as part of the “Large Space IPv4 Trial Usage Program for Future IPv6 Deployment” by the end of 2005.

Complete information at IPv6style.

6deploy IPv6 Cluster Member The IPv6 Portal Seventh Framework Programme e-infrastructure