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Annular Solar Eclipse in the IPv6 Sky (recorded videos available)
Posted by: Jordi on Sunday, October 02, 2005 - 08:38 PM
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The next Annular Solar Eclipse will be broadcasted live using IPv6 connectivity from Madrid, October 3rd. The collaboration between Japan and Spain will make this event available worldwide.

The past September 22nd autumn started, and just a few days afterwards, this astronomical phenomenon, will be visible from a few places in the world, being Madrid (Spain) one of those privileged locations.

The event, taking place on October 3rd, is an annular solar eclipse (over 95% occultation), with an approximate duration of 4 minutes and 11 seconds (which is longer than in previous occasions), which will start to be visible at 10:55 (Madrid local time). The partial eclipse will start at 9:40 and end at 12:23.

To made this globally available, the LIVE! ECLIPSE 2005 Annular project, from the Japanese organization LIVE! UNIVERSE, will join efforts with two Spanish organizations, Consulintel and RedIRIS.

The infrastructure setup for this event will allow the webcasting of multiple video streams via Internet, in low, medium and very high definition (up to 33 Mpbs). The higher quality broadcasting will be done with IPv6 multicast and unicast. However, lower and medium resolution streams will be also offered with IPv4 unicast and multicast.

The complete information about how to access to the live event via Internet, is available at several web sites: IPv6 Task Force (see the links at the end of this press release), RedIRIS and LIVE! ECLIPSE. Furthermore, after the event, there will be recordings for video on demand service, on the same web sites.

Masami Okyudo, chairman of LIVE! UNIVERSE said “Our aim is to contribute to society by presenting the phenomena and events in astronomy and space science around the globe via various networks”.

Jordi Palet, CEO of Consulintel, one of the local organizers, indicated “This fantastic event provides a mean to further demonstrate the capabilities of IPv6, the new Internet Protocol. For example is much more simple to setup all the network configuration and use multicast with IPv6 than with IPv4, and indeed we expect that IPv6 multicast will be a key technology all around the world, as it is already happening in Japan”.

Esther Robles, head of the network area in RedIRIS, said “We are delighted to provide our advanced and high speed infrastructure for the worldwide distribution of this event. Our mission is to keep RedIRIS at the forefront of network technology developments. We have been offering native IPv6 support in dual-stack to the Spanish research comunity since 2003. The IPv6 transmission of this event shows the maturity of this technology at RedIRIS.”

To view the eclipse videos use any of the following sources:

6deploy IPv6 Cluster Member The IPv6 Portal Seventh Framework Programme e-infrastructure