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6DEPLOY news

B3G Cluster Workshop on Mobility Technologies in the Internet
Posted by: madsix on Tuesday, August 08, 2006 - 02:18 PM
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This workshop will be organized in Brussels, October 3rd. 2006, by the IST ENABLE project, a Specific Targeted Research Project funded by EU FP6 program in collaboration with the commission and within the activities of the Beyond 3G-SA cluster.

The goal is to provide researchers, engineers and IT managers with a concentrated day on the state of the art technologies on mobility and their security and applicability aspects. Presentations for this workshop will be primarily from EU FP6 projects within the B3G cluster.

Presentations for this workshop will be primarily from EU FP6 projects within the B3G cluster. At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will be armed with a comprehensive understanding of advances and technologies developed within EU projects, in particular the recent developments and open issues of mobile networking, its evolution to B3G/4G and advanced mobile network services.

6deploy IPv6 Cluster Member The IPv6 Portal Seventh Framework Programme e-infrastructure