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6DEPLOY news

First IEEE International Workshop on Mobility
Posted by: madsix on Tuesday, August 08, 2006 - 02:27 PM
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The workshop, to be held in San Francisco, USA, December 1st. 2006 as part of the 49th Annual IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2006), will deal with the recent development of technologies in wireless access and mobile devices, terminal and network mobility that have become an indispensable component of today's Internet vision.

With the recent development of technologies in wireless access and mobile devices, terminal and network mobility have become an indispensable component of today's Internet vision, and this is likely to continue in the near future, while affecting the way of the whole Internet architecture design. Yet, issues like efficient mobility management and optimizations, locator-identifier split, multi-homing, security and related operational/deployment concerns are still in their early stages of development. Moreover, the Internet architecture, its end-to-end principles and business models will require rethinking due to the massive penetration of mobility into the Internet.

The MobiArch'06 workshop solicits papers, both from researchers and practitioners, dealing with architectures, protocols, and experiences with emerging technologies on mobility support in the Internet, with an emphasis on new mobility protocols, mobility and location management, mobile network performance, multi-homing, security, architectural impacts and deployment considerations.

The workshop will include presentations and discussions of accepted technical papers, as well as invited talks and panel sessions.

Complete information at the workshop website.

6deploy IPv6 Cluster Member The IPv6 Portal Seventh Framework Programme e-infrastructure