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6DEPLOY news

ASO Candidates for ICANN Board Announced: Call for comments on nominees to ICANN Board
Posted by: Jordi on Sunday, March 25, 2007 - 05:35 PM
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Following a public nomination period, the ASO Address Council (ASO AC) selected the final set of candidates to fill the ASO seat on the ICANN Board currently held by Raimundo Beca, whose term expires in June 2007. The candidates are:
  • Al-Din J. Kadhem Al-Radhi
  • Smain Aouissi
  • Raimundo Beca
  • Vikram Gupta
  • Jordi Palet Martinez
  • Remco Van Mook
  • Shahmeet Singh
  • Kuo-Wei Wu

In May 2007, the ASO AC will make its final selection to appoint one of these individuals to fill the ASO Board seat. To aid them in making their final selection, the ASO AC members request your comments and statements of support for these candidates. A public comment period will be open until 18:00 UTC on 20 April 2007.

You can provide your comments and statements of support for the candidates as instructed on the ICANN ASO website.

6deploy IPv6 Cluster Member The IPv6 Portal Seventh Framework Programme e-infrastructure