6DEPLOY and 6DEPLOY2 are part-funded EC (IST-2007-223794 & IST-2010-261584) projects. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project's information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.
6DEPLOY news
Dept of Defense Selects Ixia
Posted by: Jordi on Thursday, April 29, 2004 - 03:41 PM
(204511 Reads) comments? 
Ixia, a leading, global provider of IP network testing solutions, was selected by U. S. Department of Defense's DICE '04 (Defense Interoperability Communications Exercise) testing group for IPv6 network layer performance, conformance, and application testing.
"Ixia has provided us with a comprehensive solution that includes testing for protocols, applications and conformance to specifications, and I have been impressed both with the scope and capability of their testing solutions, and the high caliber of technical personnel they've dedicated to supporting this effort," said Major Roswell Dixon, United States Marine Corps and tactical networks test officer for the Joint Interoperability Testing Command.Complete information at LightReading. |