6DEPLOY and 6DEPLOY2 are part-funded EC (IST-2007-223794 & IST-2010-261584) projects. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project's information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.
6DEPLOY news
Major Websites Commit to 24-Hour Test Flight for IPv6
Posted by: Jordi on Thursday, January 13, 2011 - 01:05 AM
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Facebook, Google and Yahoo, websites with more than one billion combined visits each day, are joining major content delivery networks Akamai and Limelight Networks, and the Internet Society, for the first global-scale trial of the new Internet Protocol, IPv6. On June 8, 2011, dubbed “World IPv6 Day,” participants will enable IPv6 on their main services for 24 hours.
Complete info at SunHerald, NetworkWorld and ZDNet. |